
Friday, November 20, 2015

Good Bye November? Already?

Oh my goodness parents - November is almost done. Where did it go? Who blinked?  Well, all I know is that I am having so much fun with your kids I forget deadlines and such - like sending home homework or spelling words! 

There's a few things that are important for you all to know:

1. Tuesday, November 24th, we will be doing a Thanksgiving dinner TASTING. We have been working on how to properly set a table and polite things we can say when we taste something and we don't like it. The kids have been having fun with this are excited to have the tasting - really they are excited for the pumpkin pie! Who am I kidding? So am I! 

2. During this tasting, your child will NOT be required to taste or eat foods that you have previously told me they cannot eat. These foods will NOT be on their plates. I want to make that very clear. If you have any concerns around this, please let me know immediately.

3. This is the most exciting news for me to share. Your children are such awesome kids! Over the last few weeks we have been talking about really trying our best and if we need help asking our friends for help. We have been encouraging this mostly during specials times when they are with their general education peers. Here's the thing - are ya ready? They have been making buddies in their assigned classes, saying hello in the hallways with their classes, and sitting with them during lunch time (some times)! THIS IS AMAZING! Today, both the 3rd grade and 5th grade won class pride paws for being such amazing friends during their specials class. This is huge for us and my heart just swells with pride to be a witness to what wonderfully caring, thoughtful, interactive students. Seriously brings tears to my eyes. From these experiences, they walk taller. They take more risks in the classroom and outside the classroom. They have more questions and wonderings about their environment and friends. It is simply...amazing. 

So hats off to you parents because without you and all you do, we would not be having the same outcome. 

Looking forward

In December the entire school will be doing a canned food drive to support the Oregon Food Bank. We will be participating in this. I will send more information home regarding this. 

However, please be thinking about this: usually I take the students to the Dollar Store to purchase gifts for their parents. How do you feel about having the students bring in some money and instead of buying gifts, they purchase food for the food drive? Think about it and please email me with your thoughts. Nothing is written in stone.

We will be having a holiday party in December - the 18th - Friday right before break. All are welcome to come and I will be sending home more information as we get closer. 

Thank you so much for your support. Please feel free to email with questions or concerns.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Welcome November

Well Folks - I can't believe it's November already. The saying "time flies when you are having fun" comes to mind. Your kiddos are absolutely the most fun group. They make the adults laugh every day and I wish I could remember to write some of the funny things down, but there is little time.

There is a cough/cold bug going around the classroom. We are sanitizing at lunch breaks and in the afternoon. There is also a stomach bug floating around the school. Although in our classroom, it has only effected two students and doesn't seem to last very long at all.

Remember we do not have school on Wednesday, Nov. 11. It's odd because it is right in the middle of the week but I'll take it!

Grades will be coming out the first of December. I want to reiterate that the report cards are NOT a true reflection of your child's progress. I will write some notes on the report card, but they will be very general. Please read the progress notes that come home with the report card. They are a much more accurate picture of your child's academic progress.

I am sending a list home on Monday, November 9th of some grocery items that are needed for the classroom so we can do some Thanksgiving cooking this month. If you can donate anything off the list, please email me. Thank you in advance.

I want to take pause for a moment and thank you all for your participation in your child's academic careers. This class is truly blessed to have such wonderful supports around them. A true, heartfelt, thank you parents. Job well done!

Now the fun stuff!!

We had a blast at the pumpkin patch. The rain didn't seem to slow any of the students down. It did cut our trip a bit short but it was fun nonetheless. Thank you to all the parents that helped on this trip. It is always a pleasure to see you.

The holiday celebration was fun as well. We dressed in our costumes. We made bat windsocks. We practiced trick or treating and we decorated cookies. We watched Halloween videos and read Halloween books. What a grand time!

Have a wonderful weekend!