
Monday, December 7, 2015

I Want Snow!

The holidays always bring a sense of coziness for me and there is nothing I like more than warming up by the fire with a cup of hot cocoa after a good snowball fight! I have been talking with the students about how much I like snow and how I wished it would snow. Almost every day, I check the window during the weather and begin to dramatically cry due to the lack of snow. The kids are become experts at reminding me to breathe, practice my patience, and try again. Which is a great modeling opportunity for them as we all breathe together and try again. We know waiting is hard. :)

With Thanksgiving finished, we have moved on to all the wonderful winter activities. We have been making snowflakes, Christmas trees, Menorah's, and stars so far. The students love the additional activities and I am always impressed by the pride they take in their work well done!

Upcoming Events: Canned food drive is going on. We are participating in this. It concludes on Dec. 15th so if you can, send 1 can of food in with your child.

Report Cards should be coming home tomorrow along with progress notes from the IEP. Please let me know if there are any questions surrounding this. 

Dec. 18th is the last day of school before winter break. We will be creating some wonderful handmade gifts and wrapping them. We will decorate some sugar cookies and have hot cocoa with a winter video. 

School resumes on January 4th. I'm excited for the new year and the things we will be doing in the classroom. 

We made REAL butter just before our tasting. Each student had a turn shaking the jar of cream. When it had turned to butter, each students had a taste of it on a saltine cracker. Majority rules - butter is good!

It was cold.

It was hard to shake that jar.

But it was fun!

The Thanksgiving tasting went very well. Thank you to all who donated. The sparkling cider, olives, and pumpkin pie with whipped cream were the big hits.  The students were asked to touch the food item, smell the item, and then kiss the item. Most thought this was acceptable, however, some surprise me (as kids can only do). Some hid under the table due to the "icky smells"! Some covered their eyes because it all looked "mostly gross"! hehe Oh my goodness - I was trying my hardest not to laugh - it was extremely difficult. Here are a few pictures from that day.