
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

December - Slightly late!

Well - here we are almost at break. Thanks to the snow days last week, many of our activities have been tabled until next year because they were multiple step activities. You know, first we have to do this and wait. Then we can do the next step and wait - and so on. So we are punting.

Friday, December 16

We will be having our Winter Festival Celebration.
This Includes:
Wearing appropriate for school PJ's to school
Christmas story read alouds in the morning
Making Snowman Soup
Special movie in the afternoon
Hot Chocolate
Decorating a sugar cookie

It's going to be a very fun day!

In the event that we have another snow day on Friday December 16th - we will have the Winter Festival Celebration in January sometime. (Yes, I am hoping for a ton of snow. Sorry for you snow nay sayers!) 

If I don't get a chance to talk with any of you before we leave for break - let me say from all of us here in the SRC - Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. Be safe and be well. We are all looking forward to working with all of your kids in the new year.