
Friday, February 3, 2017

February Blog

Another day off?! Oh my. I am typically the first one to be praying for A snow day in late December or early January. One snow day! However, this is becoming ridiculous. I miss my students! Happy February and hurry up Spring.

Since we didn’t have a TON of academic days in January, most of our themes will remain the same. Social Studies will continue to be continents and Science will continue to be liquid, solid, and gas. We will also continue to tell knock knock jokes that play on words – for example orange as aren’t.

We have had a great Groundhog celebration today. However, most of us are truly disappointed about 6 more weeks of winter. We made groundhog puppets, groundhog pudding cups, and groundhog books. What a day!

We will be having a Valentine Day celebration. I am sending home a list of names for the classroom. Your child can make their own valentine cards or purchase cards. Either way, they will have the opportunity to hand out cards to their friends.

Here is a list in case the paper one doesn’t make it home:



I am working on some cooking projects for February in addition to our valentine celebration. If you are able and willing to donate to some of these projects, our class would really appreciate it.

For Valentine Day – we would like the following:
~ Juice boxes
~ heart shaped sugar cookies (undecorated)
~Frosting – white preferably and we will color it here
For cooking the rest of the month we need:

~ fresh strawberries (2 quarts about)
~ frozen puff pastry (2 packages)
~ 1 package of cream cheese
~ 1 container of whipped cream
~ 1 package of powdered sugar
~ 2 packages plain English muffins
~ 1 jar pizza sauce
~ 3 packages of shredded cheese (cheddar, mozzarella, or mix)
~ 1 package of sliced pepperoni

Some other items we would like to have in the classroom are:
~ 2 bottles of hydrogen peroxide
~ 1 box of food coloring
~ Empty Gatorade bottles, ICE bottles, or water bottles
~ Heart shaped cookie cutters 

Tis the season for illness. There have already been some interesting bugs floating around. There has NOT been anything that has included extensive vomiting (YAY!) but there are some nasty colds. So keep in mind the following points of when it is a good idea to keep your child home:
~ Fever of 100.5
~ Excessive coughing/sneezing
~ Excessive or continual drainage from the nose
~ Excessive lethargy

Students don’t benefit from school when they are really not feeling well. In our specific situation, germs spread quickly and readily no matter how much we sanitize, etc. There are no ramifications to keeping your child home in this situation. Please continue however, to keep either me or the front office of the school informed about absences.

I have had several parents approach me about sending home work in addition to the weekly homework sheet I send home. I have no problem with doing this. Please send me an email and I will add you to the list. My biggest push with any student is to read. Read, read, read! Then, read some more!

State testing is coming up. If your child is 3rd grade and beyond, they will be participating in state testing. The impact on the students of state testing is minimal and there is no additional studying that they need to do. I will be sending home a note in the communication binders of when the testing will actually begin. If you have specific questions, please feel free to call me after school or send me an email.

Looking forward to future months:

~ Spring Break at the end of March
~ Zoo field trip in late May/early June
~ Special Olympics in late May
~ Field day in late June
~ Additional PJ day – no specific date yet

As always but should be said more frequently, I am honored to be so fortunate to work with your child. Each one is so unique and special; each one has a piece of our heart; each one somehow makes each of us smile and laugh every single day. So, from all of the teachers, thank you for allowing us to be a part of you and your child’s life.