
Monday, October 3, 2016

October is Here

Happy October all. I am not quite sure what happened to September but I know it’s gone for sure!

We are receiving a new student that will start this Wednesday, October 5th. His name is Wilhem and he is from the Netherlands. We will be talking with the students this week about his arrival.

Friday, October 7th is our annual Fun Run. Our students will be running at different times. If you’d like to come support your child, please let me know so that I can give you the appropriate time.

No School on October 14th.

PICTURE DAY is October 19th.

Conferences are October 26th in the evening and October 27th all day. I will send home sign-up sheets later this week if you would like to set up a time to meet with me. These are NOT mandatory conferences, however, I would love to see you all. Also remember, I am available to meet with you before or after school most days. If there is ever something you’d like to talk about, please email to set up a meeting.

We will be planning a field trip this month. When I solidify the details I will let you all know.

We will be having a Fall Festival on October 31st. Students will be able to wear costumes for the Fall Festival. They can bring their costume in their backpack and we will change before our festival. They will wear their costumes home.

Some of you have expressed that you are willing to donate different things to the classroom for snack or cooking or special celebrations. If you would like to do so, AND have not already spoken to me about it, please let me know. Thank you so much.

Coming up in November:

Thanksgiving Feast

Fall Leaves