
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Happy New Year!

I trust you all had a wonderful winter break. We are off to finish the year and I am so excited! For the most part I am so excited - I tried to send this blog yesterday but technology is not my friend so far this year. However, like I tell my students, take a breath and try again. So - here we go.

First order of business - snacks. If you are able to send in some snacks for the classroom, I would greatly appreciate it. NO GOLDFISH PLEASE. We currently have 4 Costco size boxes of goldfish, so in case of a zombie apocalypse, come see me and I'll hook you all up with the goldfish!
Some suggestions, Pirate booty, Snap Pea chips, pretzels, rice cakes (large or small), fruit snacks, or pop chips. We are also in need of rice crispy style cereal and marshmallow fluff for some cooking activities we will be doing.

Second order of business - the schools dismissal procedures are changing. Please see the schools website for the details.

We have started our unit on dinosaurs. The students are learning some big words, carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, biped, quadraped, jurassic, and triassic. This unit will take us to the end of January. It will end with some great science experiments and fun dinosaur themed cooking.  We will then move to the solar system, Earth, and close out the year with habitats.

Studies have shown that students make their greatest gains between the first of the year and spring vacation. With that in mind, I tend to push the students a little harder during this time. I raise the bar on responsibility and independence expectations. I begin using the phrase "how can you solve that problem". For the first while, I walk them through the thinking steps to solve their problem and we extensively talk about what problems are and what solve means. We are doing that now.

I tell you all this because not only do I want you to be informed about what your child is learning and expected to do at school but also, they tend to be more exhausted in the afternoons.

I will be sending photos shortly of our December shenanigans. Technology and I are just off to a rocky new year! I'm going to have to hire my kids to help me! hehe

As always folks, I appreciate everything you do for your children at home. You really make my job a joy. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Thank you all.

And yes - I am still praying for a little bit more snow.

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